Wednesday, February 28, 2007

*** MSF Newsletter Vol. 2 No. 6 March 2007 ***

I hope everyone is doing well.

We are well into the New Year and a great many things are taking place at the gym. I hope that as we roll into summer you will continue to think seriously about nutrition and exercise. My business is not a success unless you see results. You’ve seen (by now) all the televised programs, goofy slogans, and dog-and-pony show schemes they air after the New Year. Realize that nothing less than a simple nutritional diet and exercise will get real results. The South Beach Diet, Atkins and Nutrisystem were developed as short-term diets, not as a way of life. Here’s the KISS principle for 2007. Stay away from goofball diets and stick with what you know:

  • Fresh veggies
  • Lean meat (once or twice a week)
  • Fresh fish (salmon due to high DHA / EPA)
  • Fresh fruit
  • Clean, pure, filtered water, and
  • Plenty of rest

Starting March 1, 2007, I will no longer be invoicing clients, rather, accepting payment after training. Everyone has been wonderful thus far about paying on time … I’ve been haphazard at best collecting it. Payment-after-service is the correct method and makes it easier for me to maintain more time for training clients and less time doing paperwork. Also, please check out my website for new prices concerning Package Rates. You can purchase your training ahead of time, schedule a specific day, date and time and if you miss a day, you can reschedule. I never charge for rescheduling nor do I charge a late fee. Here’s the new rates:

Old clients: $25 / hour
New clients: $35 /hour (starting March 1, 2007 – December 31, 2007)

A number of you have told me (at least half a dozen of you) that you don’t eat breakfast. I’ve preached and preached but I realize (now that I no longer work the 9-5, 40-hour-a-week job) that your time is limited in the morning. Here is a shake you can make the night before and drink it in the morning on your way to work. Purchase a good thermos from Starbucks (the cheap thermos at Wal-Mart leaks) and take it with you when you leave the house. It makes a superb breakfast shake. With papaya (the #1 Super Fruit) and other ingredients you have a superb, well rounded breakfast … outside of sitting down for three-eggs-and-a-bagel. You can also make this at night and pour it over frozen blueberries for an after dinner snack.

The 5 a.m. Protein Blast! Shake

1 banana
1 tblsp of peanut butter
1 slice of papaya
1 small scoop of Milk-Egg Protein powder
½ orange
1 cup water
½ cup oatmeal

Directions: Mix all the ingredients in a blender. If the consistency is too thick, add more water. Blend all items together and pour into a thermos or water bottle (with ice).

I’ve had several clients ask for copies of the BSN Chart ( that is on my wall in the gym. This chart breaks down the high growth proteins, carb’s and fats. Here it is:

Eggs (raw or poached)
Lean Beef
Ground Beef
Tuna (preferrably fresh not canned)
Milk (skim)

Sweet Potato
White Rice]

Olive Oil
Safflower Oil
Mixed nuts (almonds, pecans, cashews)
Fish Oil

Eggs. I made three (3) additions. I changed EGG WHITES to EGG(S) RAW OR POACHED. I am an egg fascist and realize that the bodybuilding community has made war against the fertile, raw, organic egg! You don’t have to take them raw (like I do), poach them and you’ll do fine.

White Rice. I also added WHITE RICE (as opposed to Brown Rice) to the rice category. White rice is a superb ‘ointment’ for a stomach problem. It soaks up the acidic buildup in the stomach, acting very much like a sponge (besides being a concentrated carb).

Fish Oil. I also added fish oil. If you don’t currently take a fish oil, you need to. Not every day – just twice a week. The Omega 3’s guard against cancer, help create a healthy immune system and coat the digestive and endocrine tract making elimination easier. If you don’t want to take more pills – the highest concentration of EPA and DHA is in salmon. It’s expensive, but worth it.

Our search continues!

We have been looking at several different locations for the establishment of the “Back to Basics Gym” but we have yet to find any locale that fulfills all the conditions necessary for a move:

· A minimum of at least 700 sq. feet of open space (reinforced flooring);
· Bathroom and shower;
· Covered parking;
· A location with easy access to/from the freeway;
· Security of all parked vehicles, staff and clients (most important).

The one location we were seriously looking at (3400 Ella Blvd) was one street away from the house. It was taken shortly after we saw it in late December 2006, but we were too late (it’s now a nail salon). It was 800 sq. feet, had seven (7) large plate glass windows for full view of Ella Blvd and West 43rd and a solid concrete floor. And its neighboring businesses could not have been better: a sport’s shoe store and a Tae Kwon Doe studio. Mom and dad could work out while the kids go to practice!

We are still searching so we will keep you posted.

Whole grain food is made using all three parts of the grain. (National Meat Growers Association).

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure is a contributing factor for stroke. Diets low in sodium ay reduce the risk of high blood pressure (AARP)

“Sweet Eaters” (people who consume chocolate) live about a year more than those who never tough the stuff; researchers suspect dark chocolate, which is loaded with antioxidants. People who ate just one-and-a-half ounces of dark chocolate improved their arterial blood flow and elasticity. (AARP)

Fats 101. Here’s the facts. The BAD FATS: Saturated Fats [ animal products and coconut oil ] and Trans fats [ packaged foods, fast food, French fries, veggie shortening and stick margarine ]. The GOOD FATS: Monounsaturated Fats [ mixed nuts, almonds, pecans, olive oils ] and Polyunsaturated Fats [ salmon, fish oil, corn, safflower oil, Omega 3’s ]. (

Friday, December 15, 2006

BASICS: Part 1 - Diet and Nutrition

BASICS: Part 1 - Diet and Nutrition.

I. INTRODUCTION. This is the first part of a ten (10) part series that I will be presenting to my clients, albeit online and to anyone interested in getting in shape. I call it the TheBasics Series because it will provide simple, down-to-earth language and concepts to get in better shape and change your life. I can't do a damn thing for you when it comes to your stocks or bonds but if you have an earnest desire, a sincere desire to loose weight and keep it off, this Basics Series is for you. And, being quite basic, it is meant to be understood by the most un-physical of our citizenry and is therefore dedicated to people who have never stepped inside a gym, lifted a dumbbell or put down a McRib under their own power. If you have any questions, contact me at Mike Stewart Fitness or by email at I will be glad to answer any questions you may have. It may not be the answer your looking for, but I will give you the straight skinny on diet and nutrition.

II. THE FATHER OF NUTRITION: Vince Gironda (1917-1997). Vince Girdona (see photo left) was one of the first bodybuilders from the heyday of "Muscle Beach" (near Venice, California) to reach the conclusion that "diet is everything." Vince was the first bodybuilding expert on diet and nutrition, the first man to link diet with weight-lifting and bodybuilding, the first (and only) trainer to eliminate abdominal workouts (which create back spasms) and bench presses (which Vince beleived created "women's breasts" on men) in his gym in West Hollywood and predicted in the mid 1960's that America would submerge itself into an archipeligo of diets, notably the "high protein / low carb" disaster that Dr. Atkins pedaled. I call Vince the "Father of Nutrition" in that his careful examination of credible dietary restrictions based upon the five to six small meal ratio (as well as his support of the whole egg, not just the egg white as pure protein) brought him to the forefront as one of bodybuilding's greatest nutritionists and personal trainers. Vince trained all the leading men of Hollywood from the 1960's to the 80's: Sylvester Stallone, Clint Eastwood, Denzel Washington, James Garner, Erik Estrada including several bodybuilding legends, Larry Scott, Lou Ferrigno ("The Incredible Hulk"), Mohammed Makaway and Arnold Schwarzennegger.

III. HOW TO EAT. To lose weight and gain muscle your going to have to learn how to eat properly. If your overweight by a few pounds or morbidly obese, here are several beginning points that you need to consider if you want to lose weight, gain muscle and turn your life around. These are bedrock standards I use everyday, from preparing meals in my kitchen to using my Brita water filter as my water tap.

Here we go...

1. Stop eating the old fashioned, three-meals a day. Q: Why are 45% of Americans overwieght? A: They eat 1-3 un-nutritious meals a day. When they finally have dinner at night, which is usually at 7pm, they are so hungry that the amount they consume at the dinnertable (or at the fastfood drive through) is so gargantuan that they enlarge their stomachs by eating so much food that over a period of years they look as though they are pregnant. And, as they grow larger, they begin eating exclusivly to satisfy their craving for food not as a reason to remain healthy or to enjoy the food they eat! ITEM: Eating one to three (3) meals per day enlarges the stomach (which makes you look fat even if your not), starves the body of necessary nutrition and minerals (which keeps you feeling hungry or lethargic throughout the day) and destroys the energy reserves in the body.

2. Eat 5-6 small meals a day. To lose weight you must eat more food! You've heard this a million times, but never beleived it. Beleive it. If you want to slim down your waist from 50 inches to 30, you can do it by eating smaller meals throughout the day. We call it Grazing. Eating small meals throughout the day requires the body to break down the food you eat ... in turn, burning energy (and fat) to do so. ITEM: By eating 5-6 small meals a day, your body (a.) maintains a high level of energy, (b.) burns fat quickly in lieu of storing fat because of slower metabolism and (c.) your body will take all the calories from the various protein, fat and carbohydrate sources and burn it properly, creating protein synthesis ... muscle building.

3. Purchase microwaveable, plastic containers to take your food to work. Make your meals at home each night and take them to work with you. ITEM: By making your meals at night (or on the weekends) your not rushed to prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner or fall into the habit of eating fastfood.

4. Purchase a Brita water filter. Fire the Water Department! Purchase a Brita Water Filter (and extra filters) from Walgreen's, Sears or Walmart. You will save a crapload on bottled water costs. Use extra plastic water containers, water bottles or old ISOPURE protein bottles and fill them up with filtered water from your Brita. When you get home from work, refill the water bottles and put them back in the fridge. With a Brita, you will always have water on hand to drink. ITEM: Drink a maximum of a gallon of water a day and a minimum of 2 liters per day.

5. Establish one day during the week to eat whatever you want. I have told my clients for months now, "Eat good SIX out of SEVEN days a week!" On the seventh day, take a break, head to McDonald's, Taco Hell, Jack in the Box or whatever transfatty, aortic-clogging hellhole you like. Have a burger, a Krispy Kreme donut ... and remember ... enjoy it. Dr. Bob Schwartz, author of Diets Dont Work and Diets Still Dont Work, always told me that the reason people eat is to satiate themselves and penalize themselves for eating bad. Food is meant to be enjoyed -- good or bad. Take one day out of the week and enjoy yourself. Normally, I establish a bad eating day every two weeks and I usually go and pig out on Hot Wings or McDonald's. But ... to offset the destruction of these comfort foods, I bring along plenty of water to wash it down (no soda's). The water cleans my system out and allows the crap to clear my system quicker. ITEM: Eating bad one day out of the week or one day every two weeks will not affect your weight-lifting or bodybuilding routine or disrupt your diet. Remember to enjoy your food when your eating.

6. 5-6 Small Meal Menu for gaining weight. Here is a list of meals that you can prepare:

Meal #1: Breakfast. 4:45 a.m.
2 glasses of water (right when I wake up to clean the body).
Oatmeal with raisins and small slice of non-fat butter on wheat toast.
3 whole eggs cooked in Pam.
2 small peices of Papaya.

Meal #2: Mid-Morning Snack. 7:00 a.m.
Protein Shake made with the following ingredients:
12 ounces filtered water.
2 scoops protein powder (45 gr. protein)
1 small scoop of oatmeal (45 gr. carbs)
1/2 cup grapes.
4 small peices of papaya
1/2 banana
1 tablespoon peanut butter (29 gr. fat)

Meal #3: Lunch. 11:00 a.m.
2 chicken breasts (broiled)
2 small potatoes (broiled)
1 small sweet potatoe (broiled) 1 whole cucumber (sliced into four peices, eaten RAW).

Meal #4: Mid-afternoon Snack. 3:00 p.m. - Protein Shake (same as Meal#2)

Meal #5: Evening Meal. 6:00 p.m. - Same as Meal #3.

Meal #6: Night Meal. 8:00 p.m. - Same as Meal #2 or substitute with a small salad and fat free salad dressing.

A switch in the meals may be to add turkey, steak or salmon in lieu of chicken, and add oatmeal as an actual meal itself as Meal #5 (Evening Meal) with the addition of sliced fruit and a small green salad (stay away from lettuce and stick with spinach). Add wheat bagels to the Meal #1 with fat-free cream cheese.

7. Protein Shake Recipes. When I was living in Seattle and unemployed and lifting in my apartment, I had to find ways in which to make cost-effective, cheap versions of protein shakes. I simply could not afford the $50 buckets of top of the line protein powder at GNC or any of the bodybuilding supplement stores. Here was one version of a protein shake I made in which I gained 15 lbs of muscle:

The ThunderBlast Protein Shake:

10 oz. whole milk, 1 banana, 2 scoops peanut butter, 8 whole eggs, 4 strawberries, 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 1/2 cup of whole milk substitute milk powder. Blend all ingredients together. Add ice to make a smoothie.

8. Night-time "Protein Pudding". When I moved back to Houston and worked as a salesman at the Houston Buyers Club, a short, but incredibly buff, defined, cut bodybuilder walked into the store on a Saturday. Business was slow so we talked in the protein aisle and like I did most of my bodybuilding customers, I would pick their brain for tips, ideas, suggestions and dietary restrictions. This bodybuilder was a part-time law student at St. Thomas University, but thick, dense and solid. He told me that he discovered that the two main keys for adding muscle was first, maintaining a superior diet throughout the day, but then, at night, preparing what he called "protein pudding" so that the body could eat throughout the night while he was sleeping. I though it was ingenious and reproduced his recipe here:

Ingredients: 2 scoops of Casein protein powder, 2 tblspn flaxseed oil and 1 cup
of water. Directions: pour two scoops of protein powder into a bowl. Squirt on
top 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil. Next, pour -- while slowly stirring -- 1 cup
of water. Once the consistency has reached a thick, almost solid state, put the
bowl into the refridgerator for ten (10) minutes. After ten (10) minutes, pull
it out and the consistency of the powder should be a pudding. Eat this
slowly before bedtime. The Casein protein will time-release over the
period while you sleep.

9. 5-6 Meal Nutritional Diet for Loosing Weight. Here is a diet from All Natural competitive bodybuilder James Sully:

Upon waking - 1 scoop whey protein.

Meal #1
8 egg whites - 2 yolks
1/2 oats, 1/2 cantaloupe or 8
strawberries or small apple.

Meal #2
6 oz. chicken, turkey or tuna
2 cups vegetables and 6 oz sweet

Meal #3
2 cups salad containing choice of salad vegetables w/ 1 tbs. oil +
1 tbs. vinegar
8 ounces tuna or other lean protein
6 oz sweet potato or
1/2 cup brown rice.

Pre workout
1 scoop VP2, 2 scoops branch chain aminos, creatine.

Post workout
1 scoop VP2, 2 scoops branch chain aminos, 5 grams
creatine, 8 oz Gatoraid.

Meal #4
8 oz. chicken breast, turkey, or fish
2 cups salad.

Meal #5
6 oz. chicken, turkey breast, or fish
1 1/2 cup
1 tbs. Flax Oil

...and a similiar menu...

Upon Waking: 6 aminos, 2 scoops BCAA’s.

Meal #1
7 egg whites - 1 yolk
1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cantaloupe, or 8

Meal #2
6 oz. chicken, turkey or tuna
1-cup vegetables.

Meal #3
2 cups salad containing choice of salad vegetables w/ 1 tbs. oil +
1 tbs. vinegar
8 ounces tuna or other lean protein
1 carrot.

Pre-workout: 1 scoop VP2, 2 scoops BCAA's, 5 grams creatine.

Post-workout: 1 scoop VP2, 2 scoops BCAA's, 5 grams creatine.

Meal #4
6 oz. chicken breast, turkey, or fish
2 egg whites.

Meal #5
6 oz. chicken, turkey breast, or fish
1 1/2 cup
1 tbs. Flax Oil.

*Every Wednesday and Saturday have 20 grams liquid carbs with the post
training VP2 and eat the following meal in place of meal #5: 3/4 cup oats,
6 oz sweet potato, 1 banana, 1 cup vegetables with 1 tbs. peanut butter.

10. Elimination. You need to spend the next two (2) months eliminating the following items from your diet:

  • Carbonated Sodas. We used to clean parts of our M-16 in the service with Coca Cola so you can imagine what it does to your insides. Remove soda's completely and cut down (or restrict) the drinking of fruit juices, even if they are natural. Even "all natural" or "organic" bottling companies add sugar and additives. Drink fruit juice only when you have a cold or the flu.
  • White Refined Sugar. Table sugars have absolutely no value whatsover to your diet. Use Splenda or Sweet n Low or Equal is very small amounts. We can't eliminate the fake sugar completely, but you can eliminate white, refined, table sugar.
  • Candy.
  • Fried foods. This goes without saying and in conjunction with fast food, which is 95% fried material, animal parts. Steam or broil - do not fry.
  • High-fat salad dressings. Substitute extra virgin olive oil.
  • Remove the skin of chicken before consuming chicken breast.

11. Tips on eating right. Here are some tips on eating healthy from pro-bodybuilder Anthony Lee from

1. Lean meat. Lean meat is rich in protein and is a good basic building block
for more muscle. Meat such as steak and other protein-rich foods has been a
staple of many bodybuilding experts for over the past few decades. However, make
sure you avoid the fat as it could compromise your bodybuilding goals.

2. Fiber rich foods. Fiber has long been known to help those wanting to
lose weight. First of all, it prevents the body from absorbing too much fat.
And, it also helps lower cholesterol and is a source of slow-burning
carbohydrates, which is ideal for those wanting to lose weight.
Examples of fiber rich grains are oatmeal, wheat, vegetables and fruits. You
could also buy them as supplements at any health store.

3. Water. It is important for anyone working out to drink enough water since workouts deplete natural body fluids.

4. Soybeans. Soybeans are a great source of protein and are low in fat
and contain virtually no cholesterol. Many have been heralding soybean as
one of the saviors of muscle building and weight loss. It can be eaten as tofu,
bean curd desserts and others. It is also cheap and easy to procure.

5. Whey protein. Whey protein is ready available at any health shop. It can
be taken in as a supplement and mixed with soups, vegetables, and shakes. Whey
protein is easy to absorb and is one of the best sources of protein available.

6. Egg whites. The protein of eggs resides in its egg whites. So, if you want
to bulk up and get your protein from eggs, eat the whites. You may also want to purchase processed egg whites from all natural stores. They are also good sources of protein.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

ENDORSEMENT: Uncle Ben's Rice

For years nutritional purists, faddists and the supergeeks at pharmaceutical companies have told us that white rice is a carbohydrate landmine. Like whole eggs, white rice has shared the trenches with other foods deemed gastronomically incorrect in our super-civilized environment where pharmaceutical companies, government agencies and "Registered Dieticians" tell us what we should and should not eat according to their computerized modules, data, errata, etc.

For decades they preached that refined, white rice was "extremely bad for Americans" as well as "bereft of nutritional profit" because the best part of the rice was removed in order to "speed production."

My bullshit detector went off.

Years ago, I was eating at a sushi restaurant in Seattle, Washington when I met an Asian doctor and bodybuilder one table over. Although I never got his name we chatted for the better part of our meal; then the subject turned to white rice. I had ordered brown rice for my dish and in seconds, he leaned over and made the following statement about the internecine, commando effects of refined (read: evil) white rice:

"White, refined rice is excellent for the stomach, stomach disorders especially ulcers, with its unique ability to act like a sponge and soak up excess acid, foreign liquids [ that have not been broken down ] and then allow itself to be excreted from the system. It's an incredible carb and has about the same nutritional value as brown. We've been misled for years about brown and white. Although brown has substantial nutritional value, the physical supplementation of white rice makes it the best of the two. The problem is, no one wants to beleive it."

When I asked him why, he replied: "Well, I don't want to blame anyone, but it could be racial [ white rice comprises nearly 75% of the caloric intake of Laos, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. Source: Walton Rice Supplementation ] or it may be Hollywood, the ultra vegan community or what I beleive to be true - agriculture and economists within the food industry. Its been the staple for nearly 400 million people; as you know Asians have, per capita the lowest rate of aortic, intestinal and stomach cancer."

When I got home that night, I tried out his hypothesis.

He's right.

I threw down a major protein shake and like clockwork, became bloated. I cooked half a packet (1/2 cup / 80gr) of 90-second Uncle Bens Ready Rice (white) and ate half the portion.

Within thirty minutes the bloating had ceased.

Later in the week, I went out bar hopping with my co-workers and tied on one-too-many. When I woke up the next day (blitzed out of my mind with the customary fatique and hangover), I fixed the same white rice but ate the entire portion (1 cup / 160gr). Within an hour, my stomach ailement was gone as was the hangover and nauseousness. Move over Menudo! Alcoholics unite!

Several weeks later, I had a major stomach ache from an increased workload at the clinic brought on by stress and way too much coffee (Seattle is the capitol of the coffee world); I consumed half a bag (1/2 cup / 80 gr) and the stomach ache dissappeared in under thirty minutes.

I also noticed that my stools were stronger and healthier and that my overall gastrointestinal health was better. I was won over and now preach the gospel about white rice.

Uncle Ben's White Rice: PASSED.
Nutritional Advice: add this item to your diet.

[ NOTE: This is an unsolicited, non-monetary endorsement of Uncle Ben's READY RICE (Master Foods USA, Inc.) No one at the company paid me squat. I received no compensation. It's a product that WORKS and works well. -Mike Stewart ].

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

NUTRITION: The Top Ten (10) Super Foods

I've been preaching for months now about "super foods". What are "super foods"? And more importantly, who is a member of the super foods family?

Here's the list ... The next time your at the store, make sure you purchase these fruits and veggies and submerge them into your diet. It does not matter if you eat one or more servings per day of each, just make sure that they make it into your daily food intake so that the antioxidant, cancer-fighting potential of these items make it onto the frontline immune system in your body!

The Top Ten (10) Super Vegetables are:

(1.) Sweet Potatoe. Buy them fresh when they are in season. One baked sweet potato (3 1/2 ounce serving) provides over 8,800 IU of vitamin A or about twice the recommended daily allowance, yet it contains only 141 calories making it valuable for the weight watcher. This nutritious vegetable provides 42 percent of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C, 6 percent of the RDA for calcium, 10 percent of the RDA for iron, and 8 percent of the RDA for thiamine for healthy adults. It is low in sodium and is a good source of fiber and other important vitamins and minerals. A complex carbohydrate food source, it provides beta carotene which may be a factor in reducing the risk of certain cancers. The sweet potatoe is considered by many bodybuilders as the "#1 Super Food in the world" due to its dense, rich nutritional asset to the body.

(2.) Spinach. Its #2 because it packs nearly 1,200 % RDA of Vitamin K (necessary for the body to control blood clotting, 200% RDA of Vit A and 85% RDA of Manganese; its whole leafy (green) contents are perfect for our bodies overall health as well as potential for eliminating wastes. The phytonutrient flavonoids and spinach cartonoids combat prostate cancer and bone health. Be sure that you choose the organic, whole leaf variety (which may have some dirt on its stems) and prepare the spinach leaves on a sandwich bed with onions, cucumbers and red pepper (even slived brocolli) for a power-packed meal. Spinach is such a highly potent super food that it must become part of your diet!

(3.) Broccoli. Like most teenagers I was introduced to broccoli by the nightly, ubiquitious showdown at the dinner table. But with 295% RDA of Vit C and nearly 200% of Vit K, thirty-five years later I see the reasoning of my parents. Broccoli is an excellent detoxification vegetable. It cleans the colon (and intestines) and has incredible, antioxidant abilities by supporting stomach health. I have always found broccoli to have a rubbery but crunchy taste to it that I can't stomach ... but with a small dolop of ranch dressing (or fat free cheese), I am able to eat it regularly.

(4.) Brussel Sprouts. Like broccoli, brussel sprouts pack one hell of a vitamin punch: 275% of Vitamin K / 161% of C / 25% of folate, in only 60 calories. Thats one tough veggie. Sprouts carry sulfur-containing phytonutrients (cancer fighters) and provide like other crucerferous veggies, the ability to promote stomach and colon health. It stops cyto-toxicity (cell destroying) microbes and helps promote a health, active immune system while helping fight rheumatoid arthritis. Although I like steamed sprouts with a cheese malaise on top, I can eat them raw with vinaigrette or ranch!

(5). Tomato. Fruit or veggie? Regardless, the tomatoe contains 40% RDA of Vitamin C (the website Worlds Healthiest Foods states nearly 60%) as well as lycopene (an elusive cartonoid), dietary fiber, manganese and a host of other minerals. I eat cherry tomatoe's raw, by themselves, alone. Lycopene has been mentioned in the news as a roadblock to prostate cancer for men and breast cancer for women.

(6.) Artichoke. Artichokes have been imbedded in Mediterannean cuisine since the Roman era. The peak seasons are March through May when the veggie is harvested. Artichokes contain cynarin (a compound found in artichoke leaves) as well as nearly 16 different minerals due to the dense nature of the beast. Artichokes are low in calorie in sodium and contains no cholesterol; according to, artichokes "...provide the important minerals magnesium, chromium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. For example, the 25 calorie artichoke provides 6% of the Recommended Daily Value of phosphorus, 10% of magnesium, 8% of manganese, 10% of chromium, 5% of potassium, 4% of iron and 2% of calcium and iron."

(7.) Onion. When I took a history course on the Roman Empire in the early 80's, our professor, a theologian of the highest order came walking into class, slammed his fist down on the lecturn and screamed out, "THE ROMAN EMPIRE WAS BUILT ON ONIONS!" Over the past several years, that dogmatic statement, like many things my parents told me, has proven to be true. Onions were cultivated around 3000 B.C., and were originally thought be an aphrodiseac that propped up sexual potency (leave it to the sexually addicted Greco-Romans to beleive that!). Onions carry 20% of Chromium needed for the body and are rich in sulfor-containing compounds for their health promoting effects. Onions naturally lower glucose levels in the body and provide immense support to the gastrointestinal tract. I eat them RAW on sandwiches to get the fullest punch from its nutrtional potential.

(8.) Cucumbers. According to Kevin Peterson at, "...the cucumber provides a very healthy juice, beneficial for its properties as an increaser of the flow of urine and as a complement to the effects of celery and carrot juice for rheumatic conditions, while at the same time being a soothing skin lotion." I've read in many reports that increasing your daily intake of cuke's is beneficial to the whole urinary tract. It contains natural salts and enzymes that help protect cell structure and provide a roadblock to cytotoxic (cell destroying) germs in the body. Not just for divorced women anymore!

(9.) Corn. Corn is high in nutrients, Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Pantothentic Acid (Vitamin B5) and a good source of fiber (nearly 19% RDA). Corn helps lower cholesterol levels and ... lets be brutally honest here ... its excellent for the colon. Why? Do you ever check your stool? Corn should be completely chewed; the compounds in corn are excellent for the intestinal tract in the body. (When I told one of my clients that, she nearly burst out laughing then covered her mouth and said, "Oh my God, that happens to me all the time!"). Corn is tough. C-h-e-w it completely and let it clean your colon.

(10.) Red Pepper. Red Peppers are rich in anti-oxidants and contains more Vitamin C than an orange (which blew me away when I discovered it). Bioflavanoids and phenols are also found in Red Pepper. Eat these RAW by slicing them up on sandwiches. If you choose to grill it, do so gingerly by leaving it on the barbie for only a minute or two, otherwise you cook out all its nutrients.

The Top Ten (10) Super Fruits are:

(1.) Papaya. It's an incredible fruit and my all-time favorite. Papaya is off the charts (literally) by containing nearly 315% RDA of Vitamin C! Papaya is rich in anti-oxidants and carotenes, flavonoids, B Vitamins, folate Pantothenic acid, magnesium and fiber. Chop them up, pull out the seeds and blend them into your protein shakes -- I do this with my clients -- so that the full potential of the papaya can be harnessed by the body after a heavy workout. Papaya is superb protection against colon cancer with its dense nutrients, including bromelain (an enzyme found in pineapple) which can be used to treat muscle trauma, allergies and skin conditions. However, be advised that Papaya tends to ripen quickly so eat them after you purchase them; if they are stored in the fridge for too long the smell becomes atrocious! Papaya is number on on the Fruit Super foods list ... put this item on your shopping list today when you go to the store.

(2.) Strawberries. Besides having a great taste, strawberries are a potent antioxidant that has repeatedly shown to help protect cell structures in the body and prevent oxygen damage in all of the body's organ systems. Strawberries' unique phenol content makes them a heart-protective fruit, an anti-cancer fruit, and an anti-inflammatory fruit, all rolled into one. The anti-inflammatory properties of strawberry include the commando phenol potential in this fruit to lessen activity of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase, or COX. Non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen block pain by blocking this enzyme, whose overactivity has been shown to contribute to unwanted inflammation (involved in rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, and cancer). Unlike drugs that are COX-inhibitors, however, strawberries do not cause intestinal bleeding. Strawberries, like most fruits and veggies should be eaten RAW to fully absorb its nutrtional potentials!

(3.) Cantelope. At well over a 100% RDA of Vitamin's C and A with a dense beta-carotene content, the cantelope is a superfood, bar none, because of its ability to corral the free radicals in the body. It would probably be #2 (or even #1) if it could match the hellacious amount of Vitamin C in papaya! Cantalope is an excellent source of Vitamin B6, dietary fiber and potassium. When searching for the best cantalope, follow these rules: Choose a melon that seems heavy for its size and one that does not have bruises or numerous soft spots. The rind, underneath the netting, should have turned to yellow or cream from the green undertones that the unripe fruit has. The area where the stem was attached should be smooth and slightly indented, free from remnants of the stem. The end should be slightly soft, and you should be able to smell the fruit's sweet smell! However, be careful since an overly strong odor may be an indication of an overripe, fermented fruit! Slice them up when you get home; store them in the fridge and eat for breakfast or blend into a protein shake.

(4.) Apricots. Although I have always found apricots a bit dry with an unseasonably ... icky ... taste, organic, dried apricots taste fan-tabulous! Throw them on cereal, oatmeal, in a blender with protein and water and they come alive. Apricots provide a good source of lycopene for prostate and vision protection.

(5.) Peaches. The peak for peaches are June through September. Here in Texas, August seems to be the big month for "Texas Peaches" which are carried directly by HEB Central Market in Houston. Peaches are high in fiber and good sources of minerals and nutriets with high water content. However, make sure you eat (or blend) your peaches within days of bringing them home; they have a tendancy to dry out quickly.

(6.) Banana. Banana's are Potassium Headquarters! One banana carries 467mg of potassium and has been said to be beneficial against high blood pressure and athrelosclerosis. Banana's provide superb protection from ulcers (especially if you are highly strung work a-holic, or have emotional / mental problems) ; banana's also help with elimination of waste in the body. The yellow fruit also helps the bodies ability to absorb calcium and protect vision. The goo-e-ness though of the banana is why all smoothie shops use them in blending protein shakes. Buy them green and let them ripen on your counter. Eat 2 per day.

(7.) Blueberry. Blueberries are, as many doctors, nutritionists and bodybuilders remind us, "the antioxidant powerhouse." According to, "...blueberries are packed with antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins, blueberries neutralize free radical damage to the collagen matrix of cells and tissues that can lead to cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, heart disease and cancer. Anthocyanins, the blue-red pigments found in blueberries, improve the integrity of support structures in the veins and entire vascular system. Anthocyanins have been shown to enhance the effects of vitamin C, improve capillary integrity, and stabilize the collagen matrix (the ground substance of all body tissues). They work their protective magic by preventing free-radical damage, inhibiting enzymes from cleaving the collagen matrix, and directly cross-linking with collagen fibers to form a more stable collagen matrix. " Blueberries are superb for blended protein shakes, but should be eaten raw and eaten whole. The best times per year: May - October.

(8.) Grapefruit. Another Vitamin C bulldozer - grapefruit contains nearly 80% RDA of Vitamin C which may help reduce colds or the symptoms. Its packed with phytonutrients and is another cartenoid offensive weapon in the fight against free radicals and tumors. According to the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, grapefruit significantly lowers tryglycerides and promotes gastrointestinal health. Grapefruit protects the immune system, fights against kidney stones and overall optimal health in the body. Grapefruit also boosts liver enzymes that destroy carcinogens (especially for smokers). Grapefruit is best eaten (I beleive) whole, without blending, where it tends to be too acidic in a protein shake. [ When I was suffering from an especially bad case of the flu this year, I went on a solid diet of grapefruit, blueberries and oranges for the one-two punch Vitamin C kick. In days, I lost the chills and aches and my fever left (I ran a 100-degrees with two days). Grapefruits are kick-ass flu fighters baby! ].

(9.) Avocado. According to John Quaker at the California Avocado Board: "For years, we have been told to avoid the avocado because of its high caloric and fat content. An avocado contains a whopping 731 calories and over 30 grams of fat. Despite these drawbacks, nutritionists say adding a little avocado to your diet each day packs a beneficial punch that outweighs the fat and calories. Avocados contain folate, potassium, monosaturated fats and are very high in fiber. The monosaturated fats in avocados contain oleic acid (which has been found to improve fat levels in the body and help control diabetes). By using avocados as their primary source of fat in the diet, diabetes sufferers can lower their triglycerides by up to 20%. In addition to being helpful to those with diabetes, the monosaturated fats in avocados are good for lowering cholesterol. A lowfat diet containing avocados has been shown to both lower levels of dangerous low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and raise the level of healthy high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. In addition, triglycerides were also lowered slightly. Avocados are also a huge source of fiber, containing 10 grams in only one avocado. As we all know, fiber is known to help prevent high blood pressure, heart disease, and certain types of cancer, particularly colon cancer. Avocados also contain 30% more potassium than a banana. Potassium is beneficial to the body by lowering the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and cancer. In addition, avocados are the perfect food for pregnant women. The folate in one avocado per day provides almost 30% of the recommended daily dosage and helps prevent life threatening birth defects of the spine and brain." I suggest that you eat avocado's RAW and by themselves! Bring one to work, peel it and eat the contents with a spoon. Superb fat with the dense, rich minerals in it makes it a substantial super food and necessary to your diet.

(10.) Apple. Apples contain a number of pistol-packin' phytonutrients necessary for overall body health. Given the wide range of benefits of the apple, I was always suprised why it has been given short shrift in the nutritional community. According to Sivina Lolita Ph.D., apples are rich in high fiber minerals and "...are one of the main sources of flavonoids in the Western diets, providing approximately 22% of the total phenols consumed per capita in the United States. Other dietary sources of flavonoids are tea, wine, onions, fruit, and chocolate. An increased intake of apples has been correlated with a decreased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and incidence of thrombotic stroke. Because we suspected that flavonoids may be responsible for the health benefits of apples, exerting their effects by antioxidant mechanisms, we conducted a study on apple consumption in humans." The antioxidant role of apples is tremendous and by consuming at least one (1) apple per day, the old standard poem we've heard for years becomes glaringly obvious: apple is a superfood and so vitally necessary to our weightlifting diet.

As I have told countless number of clients and friends (or anyone who asks for quick, nutritional info) -- you need to add these fruits and vegetables to your diet, somewhere, somehow. Insert them into your breakfast cereal, breakfast oatmeal, into a midmorning snack or spread out over the day leading up to a high veggie dinner in the early evening. Vegetable and Fruit super foods are the key to loosing weight, gaining muscle and entering into a lifestyle of good eating.

Friday, November 03, 2006

HEADLINES: Man thrown out of gym for grunting

Ha! It was time a story like this appeared. I knew it. The yuppie gyms are no longer gyms but "health spa's" where a real guy can't work out much less lift heavy and GRUNT. I saw this story this morning while having my coffee.

I swear!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

EXERCISE: The Power of Rest

Tonight, everything was just right.

All day at work I was carbing up; Uncle Ben's rice packages in the a.m. , potatoes at lunch with a chicken breast, more rice during my 3 p.m. break and at 6 p.m. when I left work, I downed one Ripped Fuel tablet and it was off to Bally's for upper body. The biggest, best, baddest workout of the week: chest, arms, lats, delts, tri's and bi's. Forget work, forget the boss, forget my problems, forget everything and hit the iron. Everything was bang on. I went in at 7:40 p.m. and left at 9 p.m. One hour and twenty minute workout - slamming through the weights.


No pump.

Not even a slight metabolic rise in my heart rate.


I took off the lifting gloves and got in the car, drove home, made a protein shake and pulled several books off the shelf: Arnold's Bodybuilding bible, Dr. Dean Edell's Eat, Drink and Be Merry and the Iron Man's Ultimate Guide to Natural Bodybuilding. While I stacked those up I gathered up Men's Fitness, Muscle and Fitness and a host of other mags.

Regardless of how well my preparation was prior to going to the gym, I was doomed to fail because of one simple procedure I have allowed to slip by unnoticed and affect my workouts: rest. By not giving my body a requisite amount of time to recover even after the simplest workout, I was overtraining. And, if you overtrain you go backwards, not forwards. Your body takes a nose dive, you lose muscle, definition and eventually you injure yourself.

Therefore, here we go, back to the drawing board for Lesson #1 in Bodybuilding / Weight Lifting / Body Strength Training (BST) ...

ITEM: Rest. After a Body Strength Training (BST) workout, heavy / light weightlifting workout or a workout in which some type of iron has been used ... give yourself two (2) to three (3) days of solid rest. Do not lift during those three days but spend the time doing cardio; treadmill, running (short distance), walking (long distance), yoga or golf or flag football or whatever. But no lifting. None. Use this time to replenish your body with the right foods in order to build muscle and loose fat. Rest. I overlooked it for the past four weeks! Don't make this mistake!

I realize that I am still on the learning curve. Bodybuilding is a lifetime sport and requires a Ph.D. in kinesology, diet, nutrition, body composition from the school of hardknocks. The great thing about weight lifting is that our body is essentially our school, our student body, which tells us when to rest and when to lift.

It's Thursday night. I'm not gonna touch iron until Tuesday evening.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

PHYSIQUE: Bodybuilding vs. Male Aestetics - Whats correct? Whats Attainable

I am asked all the time by both clients, co-workers and the man on the street: "...hey man, I'm not gay or anything followed by, "'ve got a kick-ass body ... what do you eat?" Or, "you know ... Marky Mark [ see photo right ] has a kick ass body ... how do you get like that?"

When I was the skinny kid growing up, I would see a guy with a fantastic, well built physique that looked awesome but didnt know how to approach him. I eventually overcame that problem one day when I walked straight up to a huge bodybuilder outside the Gerlands store in Sugar Land, Texas (where I grew up) and asked him point blank: "Pardon me sir ... your physique is awesome, what do you eat and drink?" This titanic mass looked at me and smiled and then picked up a carton of eggs, "These!" and then lifted a 12-pack carton of Miller Lite still smiling, "and I drink this!" The ice broken and laughter aside, he spoke to me for about twenty minutes about diet and nutrition, exercise and weight-lifting. But he then made a very interesting comment: "I don't think the question is how do you get to look like me, but what would be the proper physique for you. Or better yet, whats attainable for your body type?"

I later realized this was a brilliant statement. All men want to know how to have a great body, but the real question is: with the body type that you have, what can you attain?

When I was growing up I read the Joe Weider mags and was glued to the commercial with the Soloflex guy, the former college gymnast Mitch Gaylord. Little did I realize that the commercialization of the male physique was central to big business in supplements, protein powders, ab crunchers, ab exercizers; money. Mitch Gaylord wasnt a weight-lifter, but a gymnast; his super physique was chiseled after a decade on the high bar, pommel horse and rings not from bodybuilding in the gym. The Soloflex advertising wasn't really misleading, for the issue with most men is not the physique, but the requirements and sacrifices necessary to acquire the cut, defined physique.

It's not about bodybuilding, weightlifting or gymnastics. Its about your body type: ectomorph (the super thin / Brad Pitt, Seth Green, Edward Norton); the endomorph (round and soft / Roseanne, John Goodman, Jack Black) and the mesomorph (well defined muscles and large bones / Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzennegger).

So the proper question is: Bodybuilding vs. Male Aesthetics - what is attainable?
I am of the beleif that the lean, cut, defined look of Vietnamese actor Hy Nyugen [ photo left ] is more attainable rather than the traditional bodybuilding physique (or look) of Rory Leidelmeyer [ photo right ].

Both physiques are fantastic, but Nguyen's physique is more attainable (short term) versus the beautiful (but long term) size of Leidelmeyer. [ NOTE: I consider Rory Leidelmeyer the greatest bodybuilder in the modern era, due to his incredible physique, definition and size. The grotesque look of todays lifters are simply that: completely out of porportion to the traditional, accepted, Roman-style, male physique. Although he never won Mr. Olympia or Mr. Universe because of the politics, money and corruption inherint in the IFBB structure, Leidelmeyer displays the finest male porportions of any bodybuilder, then or now. If pressed for someone "close" to him - the only other bodybuilder who could match Rory's sheer asthetics was his one-time follower and student, Bob Paris. Paris' attributes and genetic structure mirrors that of Leidelmeyer. It's no wonder that Leidelmeyer trained Paris and instituted in him, the training technique of lifting heavy. Bob's books on bodybuilding and weightlifting are replete with emphasis on heavy weights and his favorite exercise, the squat. But this is from a bygone era.... -MWS ].

So ... we are back at the question: What Male Physique is attainable for you?

To answer that question, I divided bodybuilding / weightlifting into three (3) era's:

The Roman Era. I see the male asthetic as something more akin to the concept of the male body in the Roman era. The Romans (and the Greeks before them) patterened the concept of the lean, cut, defined form in the Roman nude. This standing nude is a superb example of the incredible form of the Roman male during this time. The exigencies of the Roman lifestyle, adherance to hard work and the emphasis on supreme physical fitness is well expressed in the statues and releifs of the period.

The Pre-Modern Bodybuilding Era. Eugene Sandow (1867-1925) was considered the father of the bodybuilding / physique movement. This era, centered in England and Germany started with men like the Canadian Louis Cyr, in Vaudeville shows, P. T. Barnum's Circus' with advertising like, "The Strongest Man in the World". It was from the physique and aesthetic form of Sandow though that came men with superb, cut physiques like Edward Aston ("who could bend a horseshoe with his bare hands!"), the near perfect symetry of Staff Sergeant Alfred Moss, and the incredible striation of Alan C. Mead (who lost a leg in World War One). The Germans were well represented with Adolf G. Pitz, Anton Mytysek and Karl Busch. Even the American silent film star, Rudolf Valentino was an iron addict. Many were early enthusiasts, film stars, nutritional specialists or military veterans; most were staunch Victorians; the body was seen as natural, undefiled, developed, wonderful. These men (real men some would say) built their physiques entirely on old fashioned principles of hard work, rest and nutrition ... without the insanity of today's emphasis on mass suplementation and steroids.

The Current, Modern Bodybuilding / Weightlifting Era. You will not find any of the modern post 1990 bodybuilders here! Instead, I think the photos I've found on the internet provide a much closer example of "Modern Male Physique" as opposed to the grotesque, drugged monsters you see in the competitions today.

Early pre-WWII bodybuilding superstars like Vince Gironda (the "Iron Guru"), Bill Pearl, and Steve Reeves were well known as well as the unknowns of the "Classic Bodybuilders of the Golden Era" (1900-1965) like filmstar Ed Fury, Mickey Hargitay, Don Peters, and Eddie Weller.

However, many pics I've found on the internet from the non-bodybuilding world include these I found from a google search using the words, "male physique" which show proper attainable porportion:

...a cover model from

...a male prostitute.

...a cover model from a book on male nudes selling on ebay.

...this guy, Dylan Rosser, who has his own website about his body!

... an early pic of Mitch Gaylord the gymnast-cum-Soloflex icon.

...a black and white nude taken in Belgium. from a ladies calendar dedicated to the French Rugby Team.'s a pic I found of Dennis Rodman!

...a member of the Michigan Wolverines football team.

...a pic from an NYPD Firefighter calendar.

...a pic from Houston's Firefighter calendar.

...and finally some pics off the Vegan Bodybuilding Website.

Finally, find your bodytype, establish your goals to reach it and do it!